“We Rule You, We Fool You”: Classic 1911 Poster Depicting Capitalism Titled “Pyramid of Capitalist System”

When I watched the Republican debates this weekend, and Rick Santorum’s unhinged and flabbergasting assertion Saturday night that classes don’t even exist in the United States, I was put in mind of the below 1911 poster, and thought I’d post it. The Republican primaries really do make you feel cynical about the apologists for capitalism and globalism (and even capitalism and globalism itself). The Republican candidates’ dogmatism, religiosity-on-steroids, and general freakishness are enough to turn one into a real socialist.

“We rule you, we fool you, we shoot at you, we eat for you.”

About Santi Tafarella

I teach writing and literature at Antelope Valley College in California.
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8 Responses to “We Rule You, We Fool You”: Classic 1911 Poster Depicting Capitalism Titled “Pyramid of Capitalist System”

  1. Pingback: Evaluate how social hierarchy has been presented in literature throughout the ages. | aasiyapatel1

  2. Raymond says:

    show me more about Pyramid capitalism sustem

  3. Anonymous says:

    all is happening for resources.

  4. Rabi Muraydi says:

    Yes, things are exactly like they were two world wars and one hundred years ago.

    We rule you – globalists
    We fool you – major media, hollywood
    We shoot you – the new moralists on the left and right, BLM, anti-fa, alt-right, twitter and facebook lynch mobs
    We eat for you – clerisy, bein pensant urban-middle class
    We work for all/ we feed all – the deplorables

    • Santi Tafarella says:

      How did you manage to dodge including religion under “we fool you,” and nationalist patriotism and the military under “we shoot you,” hmm? Nations maintaining standing armies were at one time controversial–due to the potential for starting wars without obtaining broad domestic consent. It was something the nineteenth century debated.

      And authoritarians, such as kings and political dictators in suits, you seem to have ignored in the above iconography as well. A globalist like Al Gore is nowhere near as dangerous to the future of humanity as, say, a nationalist like Trump. And I’ll take the entertaining fictions of Hollywood over the myths of religion any day, thank you very much.

  5. Glenn Hall says:

    I’m not sure Capitalism is the most appropriate title. The same structure of the dominance hierarchy (society) seems to exist all around the world.

  6. Pingback: Bernie was right! - deepredpond

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