Tag Archives: humanity

What do Harvard, MIT, Coursera, and Udacity Have in Common?

Answer: ambitions for offering massively open online courses. MOOCS. That’s what they’re calling them. This is really great news, and certainly puts on display the Internet’s power for good [New York Times]: Harvard and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology on Wednesday announced a … Continue reading

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A Muslim Rises to the Existential Occasion, Protecting a Jew from Some “Christians”

A little reminder about making hasty generalizations about people:

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A Moses for the 21st Century: Ed Moses

Ed Moses of Lawrence Livermore Laboratory in California may be leading the world—through nuclear fusion—into a real Promised Land—the Promised Land of an abundant energy future. If you are not already up to speed on what Ed Moses and his team of scientists … Continue reading

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The magnitude-8.8 Chilean quake: what one journalist saw in the immediate aftermath in Talca, 65 miles from the epicenter

According to the AP (February 27, 2010): A journalist emerging into the darkened street scattered with downed power lines saw a man, some of his own bones apparently broken, weeping and caressing the hand of a woman who had died in … Continue reading

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Reach out and touch someone

Literally. This recently in the New York Times: Students who received a supportive touch on the back or arm from a teacher were nearly twice as likely to volunteer in class as those who did not, studies have found. A sympathetic … Continue reading

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Raw Footage from Chile in the Aftermath of Its Magnitude 8.8 Earthquake

Saturday morning, February 27, 2010, Santiago, Chile (200 miles from the quake’s epicenter):

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Chile’s earthquake and a simulation from the National Geographic Channel

Chile had a magnitude-8.8 earthquake early this morning (Saturday, February 27, 2010). Here’s a National Geographic simulation of the damage a major earthquake in Chile is capable of causing:

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Angry at his bank and the IRS, Terry Hoskins smashes a bulldozer into his own $350,000 home!

Talk about an ironic reversal on the Publisher’s Clearing House Sweepstakes: you don’t win a big home, you bulldoze it! Terry Hoskins says he’d had enough. This today at AP: Terry Hoskins says he has struggled with the RiverHills Bank over … Continue reading

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Mental Health Break

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Albert Camus: The Absurd, Rebellion, Freedom, Passion, and Solidarity

Here’s Albert Camus from the “Myth of Sisyphus”: “I derive from the absurd three consequences: my revolt, my freedom, and my passion. By the sheer activity of consciousness, I transform in a rule of life what was an invitation to … Continue reading

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Bearing Witness to the Holocaust: Woman in an American Field Hospital in Czechoslavakia, May 1945

Name: Roszi Frank Age: 24 She was born in Hungary, and was deported to Auschwitz, where, after being moved again, she ended up at a subcamp of Gross Rosen. As the allies closed in on various camps (toward the end … Continue reading

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Bearing Witness to the Holocaust: Lines from Primo Levi’s “Shema”

Italian Jew, Primo Levi, was a concentration camp survivor (he had been at Buna-Monowitz). His words below come from his poem, “Shema”, which he penned in January of 1946: You who live secure In your warm houses, Who return at evening to find … Continue reading

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