“Male and Female Created He Them!”: Was Adam a Hermaphrodite? And Does That Explain How Eve Could Be Taken from Adam’s Body?

A most interesting interpretation of Genesis 1:27 (“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them”).

Adam (the first human) was a hermaphrodite! (“Male and female created he them”).

That’s the interpretation that the famous atheist Enlightenment thinker, Baron d’Holbach, gave to Genesis 1:27.

His reasoning was based on the assumption that some of the ancients, particularly the Egyptians, had hermaphrodite gods at the beginning of creation. And so it was, in d’Holbach’s estimation, a sign of Egyptian influence on the Hebrew text of Genesis that the first humans were created “male and female.”

I stumbled on this curious interpretation of Genesis 1:27 while reading Martin Priestman’s excellent book, Romantic Atheism: Poetry and Freethought, 1780-1830  (Cambridge 1999).

Here’s how Priestman puts it:

“d’Holbach argues that . . . Moses’ account of the birth of Eve from Adam’s rib reflects a belief he had picked up in Egypt that humans were originally hermaphrodite, like aphids. He explains how “Moses, who was educated among these Egyptians” wrote in Genesis that ‘”in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them”‘: “It is not therefore presuming too much, to suppose, as the Egyptians were a nation very fond of expressing their opinions by hieroglyphics, that that part which describes Eve as taken out of Adam’s rib, was an hieroglyphic emblem” (p. 16-17).

Isn’t that a trippy reading? It’s probably fallacious, but I like it.

d’Holbach reconciled Genesis 1:27 with Genesis 2:21-22 in a rather creative fashion.

About Santi Tafarella

I teach writing and literature at Antelope Valley College in California.
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19 Responses to “Male and Female Created He Them!”: Was Adam a Hermaphrodite? And Does That Explain How Eve Could Be Taken from Adam’s Body?

  1. John says:

    The androgenous nature of “Adam” may have more reality than first appears.I have written a short paper on the subject in discussions on my web site. Look in index under God…female & male principle. The bride of Christ, the Ecclesia, the Man-child of Revelation all contain both male & fermale

  2. rich says:

    According to Edgar Cayce in the very beginning,Amillius or the first Adam projected himself into the neg or female form and Lilith was first formed before Eve.However something went terribly wrong and according even in hebrew text she was evil and rebellious creature and was cast out of the garden,by Gods Angles.Then Amillius again projected his neg or feminine energy ,conscienceness into Eve,some 100,000 yrs bc. note: Edgar Cayce gave some 14,000 verbatim readings,some explain who we really are and why we are here. Thousands and thousands of questions were asked and answered

  3. jose says:

    The idea is doesn’t new. Midrash Rabbah show the presence of this idea, that Adam was male and female. Is very interesting, maybe the Genesis don’t be sexist, as we think. (my language native is not english, excuseme for mistakes):

    • Yes, I’m sure that if you twist Genesis into saying something other than what it says, you can make it not be “sexist” even though it isn’t actually “sexist” to begin with.

  4. Marie says:

    c’est Ève qui est une femelle portant son mâle siamois ou christ Didyme en elle.
    d’un côté et sur le plan immatériel dans son Sacrum, elle est la Vierge et l’enfant
    sur le plan matériel, elle est une femme et son époux qui sortait de son corps pour prendre l’aspect de 2 hommes ou les 2 Jésus pour s’unir sexuellement à elle. Mais par une trahison qui dure depuis la nuit des temps, son époux siamois était sortit de son corps, avait réussi à l’endormir spirituellement pour voler son ADN dans le front appelé Ajna, et dans le clitoris, afin de cloner des fausses eve et des adam dans le centre de manipulation genétique appelé Sodome et Gomorrhe en Grèce antique.
    ces êtres clonés sont appelés les enfants d’Abraham qui est la même entité et homme que Jésus christ ou Adam dont le jumeau siamois est Lot.
    Ève primordiale et non clonée avait donc 2 époux qui représente l’énergie primordiale lion siamois appelé Lucifer, les 2 Jésus, Didyme, Abraham et Lot Aber et Caïn, Zeus et Ammon etc.

    Ce christ ou Jésus christ ou Adam premier ( lumière et néant qui forment des jumeaux siamois appelés dieu et diable) ont donc bafoué la vraie Eve et épouse en qui il étaient sortis, utilisant les clones de cette Vraie Ève pour tenter de la détrôner, et surtout pour lui usurper sa place, voler ses richesses et son règne de Déesse Mère, de la vraie Messie, de la Vraie Vierge Marie tricéphale qui vit sur terre et dont il ont caché son existence depuis 33 millénaires à certains clones tenus hors du secret.
    Une fois le processus de clonage amorcé, les premiers êtres clonés avaient été inséminés dans l’utérus de la Vraie Ève endormie spirituellement, et qui avait par ce sommeil spirituel, oublié qui elle est, qui sont réellement les hommes qui l’entourent, qui sont les enfants qu’elle allaient mettre au monde.
    Ces inséminations dans l’utérus d’Ève étaient pour que ces clones reçoivent les mesures d’âmes ou multiples des 2 Jésus par son intermédiaire, sans qui ces clones n’auraient pas survécu. Des milliards d’êtres humains dans le monde sont sans aucun Amour ou Esprit qui est Magnétisme Aigle Marie en eux. Ils tentent de combler ce vide par les plaisirs sexuels qui ne peuvent en aucun cas remplacé ce que leur a privé les 2 Jésus, s’ils étaient nés naturellement sans passer par les clonages.
    Les êtres clonés ignorent donc que la vraie raison de leur clonages étaient pour empêcher qu’ils naissent naturellement et aient les mesures ou multiples de l’Esprit ou Magnétisme Marie que les 2 Jésus en sortant du corps de Ève pour être ses époux n’avaient pas.
    Adam = Jésus christ = Abraham dit père de la multitude a donc par des clonages privé des milliards d’êtres humains d’Amour ou Magnétisme en eux. Voilà pourquoi, ce Jésus et son jumeau déchu ou Lot, et qui vivent parmi certains clonés au sein de 2 familles, ont depuis la nuit des temps, donné les richesses de Ève à ces clones mâles et femelles qui se croient ainsi privilégiés, ignorant que l’élément et substance essentielle qui est Marie ou Magnétisme Aigle représentée dans le ciel par diverses constellations (Vierge, Aigle, Orion etc) les a été privé, afin qu’ils soient inférieurs à ces 2 Jésus qu’ils glorifient depuis la nuit des temps.
    Ce manque de Magnétisme ou Esprit Marie en des êtres clonés, est ce qui crée le vide qui en eux ne peut être comblé ni par des richesses ni des plaisirs sexuels. ce vide d’Amour ou Magnétisme en eux, est ce qui les conduit à s’entre tuer, à se liguer les uns contre les autres pour disputer des richesses, des places, des titres, des couronnes etc.
    La première clone femme est celle que la bible appelle Marie madeleine la prostituée; la Babylone, la grande mère de la prostitution, la femme vêtue de pourpre de l’apocalypse de Jean qui n’est autre que ce Jésus christ.

    Ces 2 Jésus qui depuis 33 millénaires ont utilisé certains clones féminins pour dépouiller la Vraie Ève de ses dons qui leur ont servi a mettre en place toutes les technologies sur cette terre et dans l’espace; à mettre en place des armes qui depuis la nuit des temps les ont servi pour s’entre tuer parce qu’ils se disputent les Richesses de cette Ève authentique et non clonée qu’ils ont bafoué, humilié, maltraitée, souillé, dépouillé sans raison.
    oui un monde gouverné par des êtres humains clonés est un monde sans Amour, parce que tous ces clones n’avaient pas reçu des mesures ou multiples de l’Esprit ou Magnétisme Aigle Marie qui est la Vraie Déesse Mère formant la personne de cette Ève authentique.
    Tous ces clones hommes et femmes ne portent en eux que l’âme qui sont les multiples de l’énergie lion ou Jésus jumeau siamois

    En bafouant Celle qui sur le plan immatériel représente sa Mère, et sur le plan matériel son épouse, Jésus christ (lumière et néant) appelé les 2 Jésus jumeaux ou didyme avec leurs clones donné dans toutes les sortes de vices sexuels et d’abominations avec les clones d’Eve qui se sont multipliées et qui vivent partout au sein des familles sous les traits des milliards de femmes mariées à des milliards de Jésus jumeau siamois appelé lucifer lion représenté par la constellation du lion. ces descendants qui portent en eux tous, un terrible complot contre la Vraie Ève, la Vierge Marie, Reine de cette terre et des cieux qui est parvenue à sortir de son sommeil et qui depuis l’année 2006, découvre la trahison des 2 Jésus qui ont placé ses clones appelés Lilith sur sa Place à tous les niveaux;
    Ces 2 Jésus sont actuellement sous les traits de 2 hommes qui vivent au milieu des clones qu’ils ont également utilisé pour entourer la Vraie Ève Marie, Reine de cette terre et des cieux.

    Oui cette trahison conduit l’humanité à la fin du monde dit fin des temps; c’est à dire la destruction, la fin de l’existence des êtres humains clonés, parce que seule cette Vraie Ève peut faire réapparaître des nouvelles créations, et cela sans Jésus lion jumeau, et sans les clones, mais juste des robots plus humains que nature. Ces robots hommes qui seront à mes pieds jours et nuits, feront tous mes désirs, et surtout qui ne me trahiront jamais.

    La Vierge Marie
    Aigle tricéphale
    Ève primordiale

  5. someone says:

    Genesis 1:26, 27 and Genesis 2:7 all say eth-ha-adam in Hebrew. Yet virtually every translation says “the man” for Genesis 2:7, and simply “man” in Genesis 1:26-27. Eth-ha-adam means “the/a man.” eth is a particle and can’t be translated. But we all know what ha means. It means the, or a, depending on context. The/a man means only ONE man. Yet KJV, and virtually all English translations hide the fact that God created “A man”. English translations obscure the text. Furthermore, TNIV and some translations even take the liberty of saying “human beingS” and nonsense, even when eth-ha-adam is clearly in the singular.

  6. No male or female in Him says:

    it is interesting as most people think that that scripture means that God created them as 1, male and 2 female rather than have male and female in 1 Man creation. the thought of male and female in 1 man does follow thru ( had to read up on biology) when we see the biology of things how a man has both x and y then the man is both male and female. and when God put Adam to sleep he pressed his X factor and Eve popped out.. so much easier than going thru the 9mth baby growing thing dont you think ladies..no adam you put on the baby weightduring and after LOL…its true and that was one of the punishments that God gave Eve childbirth Genesis states it and also states that she as a punishment would be under the man, mmmmmmm .

    Ok enough of that now . the real deal is what the Last Adam did and took all of that away where THERE IS NO MALE OR FEMALE in Him no X or Y ? interesting …..

    • What in the world are you even talking about?

      “it is interesting as most people think that that scripture means that God created them as 1, male and 2 female rather than have male and female in 1 Man creation.”

      No. God created male and female, end of story.

      “the thought of male and female in 1 man does follow thru ( had to read up on biology) when we see the biology of things how a man has both x and y then the man is both male and female.”

      No. It literally doesn’t. You’re just inserting your own interpretation into the Bible, which if that is what you want to do, fine, do it, but don’t turn around and pretend that that is actually what Genesis is saying. It doesn’t and you know it doesn’t.

    • “the thought of male and female in 1 man does follow thru ( had to read up on biology) when we see the biology of things how a man has both x and y then the man is both male and female.”

      And did you actually read up on “biology”?


  7. Raymond Guzzone says:

    Ponder for a moment the fact that the only way the first humans could have survived is if they were fully grown from the start. There’s just no other way. Harkens as to why evolution is pushed so hard, somebody is hiding the truth. A baby chimpanzee doesn’t ever become a human. So when and where genus homo sapien began they must have been adults and hermaphrodites. Two distinct sexes are the result of the actions of hormones on the same tissues. Logic leaves us at a loss as to who/what created the originals and how were the sexes genetically engineered? Great lengths have been taken to hide the answers. The trinity is god, man , woman three in one. Think about it.

    • “So when and where genus homo sapien began they must have been adults and hermaphrodites. Two distinct sexes are the result of the actions of hormones on the same tissues.”

      No. It was male and female as Genesis literally says. There was no hermaphrodites. That doesn’t even remotely make any sense (talk about being logical), lol.

      “Logic leaves us at a loss as to who/what created the originals and how were the sexes genetically engineered?”

      Nah, it really doesn’t. We know how it happened. All we have to do is read Genesis 1 and 2, as it literally tells us. No need to go searching or inserting our own interpretation into the Bible. It is completely unnnesary.

      “Great lengths have been taken to hide the answers. The trinity is god, man , woman three in one.

      You clearly do not know what the Trinity is or what it means, clearly. The trinity is not “god, man and women”, “three in one”, no.

      “Think about it.”

      I did and it is the height of absurdity.

  8. Don't worry says:

    I’m 100% certain you are correct simply because the fetus seems to show how humans evolved.
    Look at the picture in this article closely http://php.med.unsw.edu.au/embryology/index.php?title=Embryonic_Development , we start as aquatic life form, sperm. Proceed to lizard like stages, lose the tail and then the hind legs adjust to achieve bipedalism. We also know all fetuses start of female, then the clit grows to form a penis and the ovaries exit the body to form testicles and weld shut hence the line on the ball sack and some penises. That would suggest male comes from female, somewhere there was a mutation that separated sexes, and was apparently preferable for survival or quality of life, probably increased desire to mate and interact with others if you think about it. It would also explain why they were so much more unattractive.

  9. Don't worry says:

    I lied I’m not 100% sure??? I just think that idea is a step in the right direction for understanding.

  10. Raymond Guzzone says:

    Find Raymond Guzzone on WhitePages. There is 1 person named Raymond Guzzone in places like Arizona.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Well, the male has the X & Y chromosome. The female has the X & X chromosomes. If Adam gave birth to Eve the removal of the rib could be symbolic of a cesarean birth and the now dormant breasts of the male were once used to breast feed Eve. Also, do Adam and Eve both have a belly button? Is the name Adam(s) or Eve(s) mean separate individuals or the name of a group of male and female individuals? But, for what purpose?

    • “If Adam gave birth to Eve the removal of the rib could be symbolic of a cesarean birth”

      “gave birth”?? LOL!! Did you actually read Genesis?!?! Adam DID NOT give birth to Eve. That is NOT what happened. Gosh, sometimes the nonsense that I read on here causes me to have physical pain.

  12. Pingback: Analysis of the Primeval History in Genesis – Infinite Ocean

  13. Dennis Gannon says:

    The word “rib” in Gen. 2:21 is translated “chamber” in other places in the Old Testament. So, if they translated it chamber in 21, and then from the chamber part he made Eve, then the theory that Adam was initially a hermaphrodite makes more sense.

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