Dan Aykroyd Believes in UFOs

He’s no Einstein (contra the young videographer who did this interview), but actor Dan Aykroyd speaks articulately about his UFO views. Here’s part 1 of 8 interview segments from YouTube (and accompanied by some spooky UFO footage and synthesizer music):

About Santi Tafarella

I teach writing and literature at Antelope Valley College in California.
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2 Responses to Dan Aykroyd Believes in UFOs

  1. Jared K says:

    “Some of these beings may be coming from other dimensions”

    One of the interesting things that seems common among folks who believe in extra terrestrial beings is how common this idea of extra-dimensionality is. I can’t help but note how religious Aykroyd sounds at the end of the video. It is difficult, for example, to see how extra-dimensional beings that take an invisible interest in human beings from the sky are different from the idea of angelic beings. I’m not mocking Aykroyd, just making an observation.

  2. santitafarella says:


    I notice it, too. Alien-belief is a form of secular transcendence. I told my wife just yesterday that since I started researching UFOs the past few weeks, I find myself suddenly more comfy with death. It feels like if there’s something—anything—out there, that it would somehow give meaning to the whole that it seems to lack if we’re alone in an atheist universe. The religious quality and motivation of the movement is unmistakable. I’m also struck by the parallels, frankly, to the beginnings of new religions generally. Testimony playes an enormous role, and the development of folklore around the testifiers. I continue to be baffled by the sincerity and apparent lack of mental illness in the testifiers. I also think it is interesting that, like religion, there is eschatology (“they’re coming”) and a strong moral component (ecology, world government) in play.

    Oh, and there’s even a struggle with the evil fathers in power, resisting the new kingdom coming. The powers of this world are hiding the truth and against the truth.

    The UFOlogists are saying: Repent of your wars and environmental destruction, for the kingdom of the aliens is coming, and it is already here to those who are paying attention! The kingdom of the aliens is within you!

    The whole movement is precisely what you would expect from a secular dominated world. Dawkins atheists imagine that getting rid of religion of the traditional variety would end religion, but I think it would just morph into something like the UFO religion. Get rid of Christianity and Islam, and the world would fill up with a billion UFO religionists in the vaccuum.


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